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Shining Force EXA


The story focuses mainly on two characters that the player will have the opportunity to control: Toma, a brash sword wielder who dreams of being "King of the World," and Cyrille, a mage of sorts whose reasons for searching for the Shining Force are a well kept mystery. Joining the party almost immediately will be the other half of its members, Gadfort, who wants the blade to become the greatest knight in existence, and Maebelle, an elfin archer seeking the blade to save her people. Their story will unfold in a world that is shared by humans, demons, and beasts that is constantly devastated by war. The world is divided into two main kingdoms. The Noswald Empire is home to the human race and the demons rule the southern territory, Fyrlandt.

Game mechanics and presentation

Shining Force EXA is the successor to Shining Force NEO and inherited that game's battle and action RPG mechanics.
One new feature of EXA is the customizable robot castle Geo-Fortress. While adventuring, the party members left behind use the Geo-Fortress as a headquarters. They also protect and defend the castle in the event of an attack. In the beginning, the fortress is very basic and vulnerable. By collecting "Rare Material" from the given quests, the player is able to transform the fortress into two other forms. Once the fortress reaches the third form, it is capable of travel. The player is able to add more rooms for vendors and shops. In addition to a traveling store, the player is also able to train party members. The growth, layout, and defense of the fortress is managed completely by the player, thus allowing the Geo-Fortress to evolve to fit the style and tactics of the player.
The player upgrades characters through experience points and an assortment of items and weapons. In addition, using specific battle tactics of the party will grant it more power and range. As well as advancing the main character, the player progresses to master a variety of Power Arts to unleash special and magic attacks

From Mediafire :


From Indowebster :
Shining Force EXA undub version, Text Inggris, voice JPN

Extract, burn ke DVD dengan software DVD Decrypter download di sini
(Disarankan gunakan media DVD-R, merk antara ritek atau verbatim, tapi dicoba2 aja, karena setiap PS2 compatibilitynya nggak sama)
Download :
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
pass: sby_says_lanjutkan

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  1. Aman gan,,,
    udah di Cek.,,.
    semua File nya Sehat,,, :D

  2. ini Dalam Bahasa apa ya mas,,??

  3. @Anonim wah kurang tw mas... game ini gak pernah saya tes...
    tanya aj ma yg dah download di atas.....

  4. om,,,
    urutan file nya koq aneh,,??
    11, 10, 08..
    09 nya mana om,,???

  5. @Anonim wah iya gan... part 9 ny missing... maaf bnget y gan..

    nb: di pantau aj dulu gan.... soalny ane lg cari part 9 ny

  6. @Bobby HermawanTolong banget ya om,,,
    soalnya udah semuanya saya download...

  7. @Anonim gan.. coba download dulu smua ny...
    part 10 di ubah jdi part 09... part 11 di ubah jdi part 10...
    soalnya ane liat di tmpat2 lain file size ny 1.9GB...

    klo gk mau.. agan download ulang dri link indowebster yg ane letak di atas...

    klo bisa ataupun tidak... ane sangat berharap laporan dari agan...

  8. @Bobby Hermawannah,,, itu dia gan,,
    saya mikirnya kayak gitu juga,,,
    oke ,, saya coba,,,

  9. @Bobby HermawanSorry Telat gan,,
    kalau pas di Ekxtract,, Corupt...
    T_T gag bisa...

  10. @Anonim waduh...klo gitu ane minta maaf juga gan...dah salah ngeshare link... thanks atas kerja sama ny ya gan...

  11. ComeBack @Megitra..
    Cara nginstalnya harus pake DVD ya gan///???

  12. Cek Part 07 nya gan,,,
    404 Error

  13. Part 08 nya juga gan,,
    Aduhh,,, gimana neh,,, >,<

  14. @Anonim aduhh... maka ny gan...baca INFO disamping...
    "Please check the link before download"

    ane juga mnta maaf dah salah ngeshare link.....

    tpi biasa nya klo di indowebster kyak gitu... tu bkan link ny mati... tpi "sedang" eror...
    kmungkinan 1/2 hri dah bisa di download....

    referensi=pengalaman ane sendiri...

  15. gan, part 7 dan 8 enggk bsa di download.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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