1. Reduce Tiresome Typingdan banyak lagi kelebihan daripada maxton browser yang sobat bisa nikmatin sesuka hati sobat akan tetapi semua kembali kepada sobat untuk merasakan sendiri kelebihan daripada masing-masing browser karena tiap orang beda-beda lhoo :D
Create shortcuts of your most-visited urls Website with Maxthon 3’s, URL Alias feature.
2. Calendar History
Maxthon 3’s History Calendar organizes your browsing history by day in an easy- to-read calendar view. Click a day and see how you surfed. Also easy to delete items individually or by specific dates.
3. Multiple Sessions in the Same Browser
Hey gamers! This one is for you. Log into the same site with multiple accounts at the same time in the same browser.
4. Multi Search
Compare search results across Google, Yahoo, Bing and any other search engine in one easy window.
5. Zoom In/Out
Full page zoom in and out as you like it. Texts and pictures scale up while remain in a high-fidelity.
6. Drag & Drop Commands and Search
Highlight a URL or words on a webpage and then drag and drop them into your Address bar to open new pages or execute a web search.
7. Speed up with Mouse Gestures
Make a simple shape with your mouse and trigger commands like Refresh, Close Tab, Page Top/Down and Previous/Next Tab. Create your own customized actions.
8. Mute
Shush noisy web pages and advertisements. Maxthon 3 Mute does just what it describes – shuts down all sound coming from anything in your browser.
dan untuk proteksi virus sobat saya sangat sangat menyarankan untuk memilih antivirus yang sobat sukai entah antivirus lokal seperti artav, ansav, pcmav, ataupun smadav dan juga untuk antivirus luar yang memang perlu di proteksi avg, avira, kaspersky, dan juga avast
karena antivirus mutlak adanya di komputer kita bila kita tidak memiliki antivirus maka mudah sekali komputer kita terserang virus dan otomatis kinerja komputer lambat dan di tambah lagi dengan data yang kita simpan semua pada rusak maupun error akibat perbuatan virus tersebut :D
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